First off, I've had a great 21st. Though many people came for the celebration, I'm glad everyone could enjoy the fellowship and know each other. We had some of the games that I've prepared too, like Clash of Clans Ball Game. We did not get to play Matthew 6:33(Not), which was a game that carries an impactful message of God's goodness. However, in one of my game, each person got a bible verse or more, along with a mini gift. Hence, I pray that seeds were planted on that day.
I've also received many awesome presents. A new and super fashionable sling bag from my SEAL group Zion. An expensive looking treasure (A Study Bible, allowing me to delve deeper in God's Word) from SALG, Sabbie, Hang & Kayue. 2 stylish buttoned shirts from Douggie, Wei Feng, Tiffany, Eileen & Tim Neo! There's also this super cute bunny plushie, but I can't recall who gave it to me. There may be a few other presents, but I'm sorry I can't recall them all! It's been a month, but know that your presence is a present to me :)
Alright, now, I'll share more about the other things that God had done in my life in the past month! It's been a really really amazing month! It's like the ACTS Month of my life haha!
As you know, in ACTS Conference, we've learnt to be willing vessels, and that as we pioneer, God will move. In my SEAL Camp, I've received the prophecy to be God's vessel of love, for people that are less loved, and to love people even when persecuted.
A dear bro of mine is facing a hard time, so me and other bros and sis met up with him to pray for him & for his family. After we prayed for him, things didn't became all well immediately. However, we truly believe that it's a season that God will mold him and move greatly in his whole family. We also bumped into Jia Jin. He was on his way to a meeting with the Uni Camp Game Comm, and he was wearing a shirt with the words "Here To Play". He said that he had been having gastric problems and had lost his appetite. So, we decided we are "Here To Pray", and we even joked with him that we were the intercession ministry for Camp LOL! We then prayed for him, and after praying twice. His appetite returned and he was well! Praise God :)
On one of the Sundays, I've also met up with my childhood best friend Robby to lunch together, and he also gave me a birthday Ice Cream treat and a super personalized and nice birthday card with photos. We've gone a long way in our friendship, it has been over 10 years. And we really appreciate it. No matter how different we are, it matters not, and that's the beauty in the friendship. For a relationship shouldn't be based on something we like alone, but our love and appreciation for each other. Though Robby doesn't believe in Jesus, I got to share to him much more of all that God is doing in my life and those around too; The journey God brought me through, especially in NS, the testimonies in Church, like the healing of a brother from HIV. I pray that the seed planted in his heart will continue to be watered and grown by you God, that he may come to know you personally Jesus, and know that it is you alone who truly gives life :)
I've also met up with my aunt for a few times. Once for a dinner & movie fellowship; and I prayed for her health condition. She felt that the pain lessen a little after the prayer. And another time, I met to help her in Chemistry as she wants to retake A levels again. I prayed for her again, but she did not receive healing. However, I'll persist in love and prayer, for at the end of the day, it is love that matters and love never fails. I also believe that God can bring Victory and healing. Just as the soldiers marched around Jericho 7 days without quitting, let me, let us not stop at 6!
Then there was this Out Base Run at ECP, on one of the recent Fridays. I could have gave the event a miss and stayed in camp, but I went. And there, I met up with Yock Chuan, he does not know Jesus personally. However as we talked and walked, God planted a seed in his heart. He decided to come for 300 Uni Camp, even though it might be awkward for him, and though he does not really see what he can receive from coming when he does not know Jesus. When he came to the camp, he was indeed blessed and ministered. Though he does not receive Jesus into his life yet, God will continue to pour His love unto him.
God also moved amazingly in my family. My mum and dad are both connected to Hope, and are in the Mandarin Congregation now. They felt welcomed by the brothers and sisters, and are blessed by what God is doing in our Church. My dad hasn't been coming to Church for a while, but he has been coming to Hope consecutively for the past 3 weeks, even during the weekend that I'm in 300 Camp. My mum really sees how God is placing her in Hope, especially through how her office is beside Hope, and the people she met. She also brought 4 friends last week when I'm in 300 camp, and is continuing to follow up on them! My brother is coming back towards the end of July. And how amazing would it be, for my brother to come to Hope too and serve and fellowship together as a family? Even if it's just for a few weeks, I can say that "For me & my household, we will serve the Lord!" Thank you Papa!
In my army camp, I've not made much difference through God to my section and those around. And some things that happened caused me to have a negative image to some, including my superiors. However, I'll choose to love even more, and stand up for God's light even more. This can be from being more obedient and respecting in work, in hospitality, like sharing snacks, in engaging their lives and more. And to continue to intercede for them to be touched by God. 2 of my section mates are open to coming to Hope, and I believe they will in time! There is also the World Cup Finals Screening in our Church Axis Auditorium, and it's at 1.30am. I would love to watch it, but it's 1.30, 1.30!!! Even then, I'll invite my IC and my section mate, and if they wanna come, I'll make a way. Love makes a way :)
God also spoke to me and equipped me much more through his Word, through sermons and books recently. Such as sermons like Don't Stop At 6, Attack & Advantage (Act As If) & Slingers & Swingers; funny titles I know, but amazing and they spur you on to the victory you already have in Christ! And the book Love Revolution, it really drives me towards God's love for people, and that allows room for God to move and pioneer in people's lives, and my life! Even in the recent QT, Psalm 110 really encouraged me as it shows David to have known Jesus, albeit distantly and prophesied about the Victory he is giving to us!
During the weeks that led up to camp, I served as a volunteer in program, communications and operation communities! I commit the time in serving in the little ways I could, as I find it to be such a joy, to just be part of God's Kingdom, to fellowship, to see how God could move through serving, and to serve with anticipation for the great things God will do in preparation to and during 300 Uni Camp!
Now, let me talk about 300 Uni Camp! The size of our Hope Uni Ministry is about 300! And the 300 also signifies the victory that God had given to Gideon and his chosen 300 soldiers. The chosen 300 water-lappers out of 32,000, to fight against 135,000 Midianites. The 300 were nobody, but God used the weak, including Gideon who was from the weakest tribe of Isreal, to shame the strong and emerge Victorious! And truly, during this camp, God ministered to us greatly and convicted us to go out to fight in all areas of our lives from his Victory!
As I served to prepare the Decor for camp, I was blessed in finding true joy, just in small acts of serving and fellowship, even if it meant traveling for over 2 hours, for I saw that it is much more valuable than doing my own things, like to watch anime & play Clash of Clans. There was even once when I reached at 8.30, but even through the short time of serving, God gave an idea in reinforcing the Decor, thank God!
I only helped out to make shoe racks with the Operations team once, but it was a great time of fellowship. The Operations team were really sincere to bless the people coming for camp, through the usher signboards, and even hand-written cards! They were also really busy throughout the whole camp, through small ways of serving, like in food, cleaning and medic.
As a volunteer in programs, I get the privilege to be a station master! It was truly fun to dry run the games and chair them in camp. Thank God for dropping the idea of an Incentive System to make the station games more interesting, and also keep teams involved during waiting time. I was honestly very nervous when I just started chairing the games in camp. I was tired, and I found it to be a challenge to manage my station alone. For many instructions had to be given to ensure a smooth game-play and I don't see myself to be an enthusiastic & energetic person. However as I continued to lead through the 6 cycles, Huan Wen, was my game team IC, helped me greatly. Teams also supported me and stayed enthusiastic. Eventually, I got to explain and run the station much more smoothly. Even though I felt inadequate, and was inadequate, God made it went well and grew me through the serving experience! Thank God :)
As Caleb my LGL is the Program Comm Head, he was really busy during camp. It was out of my comfort zone to facilitate sharings and the time spent with my LG during the camp. But I'm thankful for the experience as it helped me to be more intentional in fellowshiping and in loving not just one brother but caring for the whole of my LG. It also draw me to want to be more united in my LG, and also follow after Caleb as he leads the LG, because he is the one who watches over the LG.
I also want to share about an amazing healing testimony! I had a back pain that stretches across my whole back since
a few days before camp, it happened after I went swimming for the first time after I've not
exercised for months (mainly due to surgery). So I had muscle crams all
over my body after swimming. I thought it's normal, but even when my
muscles recovered the pain still lingered in my back.
It was mainly a stiffness kind of pain, the kind that you
get on your neck when you sleep in a bad posture. The pain was around
through the day but it wasn't very pain so I could still go about in
whatever I was doing. However, today the pain increased much more. And I was
constantly conscious of the pain and stiffness, I couldn't really tilt
to a side without feeling a lot of pain. So I decided to pray for
healing, when I prayed for myself nothing happened. I was thinking of
getting somebody to pray for me. And just nice when I put my stuff in my
room I realize my phone went missing. So I immediately look for it and
found it in Caleb's room.
Caleb my LGL, prayed for me, and I felt a little warm and
burning sensation on my back. After he prayed the area of my back that
felt pain was reduced. But my spine area was still stiff and pain so it
was still hard to tilt around. Just when I'm leaving Caleb room, I just happened to see
Gavin at his door beside Caleb's room. And he prayed for me. Again!! I
felt the warm burning sensation even more tangibly than before. But I
couldn't tell if the pain was fading away during the prayer. After
praying I tilt around and I could tilt easily.
There is just a little pain left at the spine tonight. But I believe for complete healing in God! When I woke up the next day, the pain aggravated and spread out again.
However, I chose to believe that God will still bring about complete
healing. During the afternoon session, when we stand up to pray after
the sharing, I realized that the pain was completely gone. I was
completely healed! Praise God! :) There is healing in the name of Jesus! He is our Victor King!
God also ministered greatly through Jason's Wong sharing in the afternoon. When Jason shared about how he treated the prisoners as brothers after washing their feet, I started to cry really badly and I just couldn't stop. I believe God touched my heart to want to really love people more with God's heart, and he loves everyone so dearly.
God also ministered greatly through Jason's Wong sharing in the afternoon. When Jason shared about how he treated the prisoners as brothers after washing their feet, I started to cry really badly and I just couldn't stop. I believe God touched my heart to want to really love people more with God's heart, and he loves everyone so dearly.
During the final night, as we worship and seek God. I just
felt God's presence pouring in so tangibly from the very beginning! I
felt his spirit filling the place and rising. And as we continued, I
just felt Jesus coming into the center of the hall, as a lamb, as a
gentle man, yet with the glorious victor crown on him.
By the 3rd song, I felt God's spirit continually flooding
the place until it's much above our head level. And God gave me a
picture of a vast green plain, and there was a gentle flowing river,
Jesus was at the center by the river. He beckons us to come, and to rest
at his lap, to drink from the water and eat from the bread, to just
chat with him and ask of him for anything, healing, struggles,
bitterness, tiredness.. He will listen, he will be the center and
minister to us as we pour out to him.
Jesus then pointed to the horizon. As I gazed at it, I saw a
beautiful sunset, the sun already dissappearing at the far ends of the
plain. Above the sunset, there was a beautiful starry night sky. Jesus
said that, as you go down to the camp, I will be with you and bring the
victory. The beautiful scenery of the sunset, nightsky, plain and river
was God our Father telling us that he created all these, he is always
watching over you and will always be sovereign and providing.
This was one of the few worship sessions, that I felt so
ministered, there was no clear calling from God. But his presence was
simply so tangible, he was pleased to be with us and he simply wanted to
minister to us. I believe that his presence is also so tangible to many
of you and that he ministered to you too. There was also a warm and
even a little burning sensation in my heart and core of my body through the session.
I just thank God for how much he ministered to me. His
ministering is sufficient to give me the faith and the heart to carry
out my responses, be it in my family, army camp or other areas too. He
will bring us victory, in each step of obedience in faith, humility and in love.
So go, and He will surely be with you till the very end of the age! :)
Alright, so this was a really really really long post. But hey, at least you get to know much more of the happenings after a 1 month hiatus on the blog! I might be even busier from now, but I'll definitely find some time to share as God will move powerfully in his love and goodness in the days ahead! :)
Alright, so this was a really really really long post. But hey, at least you get to know much more of the happenings after a 1 month hiatus on the blog! I might be even busier from now, but I'll definitely find some time to share as God will move powerfully in his love and goodness in the days ahead! :)
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