Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Christian: Set Apart 2
God had also been amazing to orchestrate some things in my life. He led me to spontaneously meet for dinner with my mentee, Etienne and his Kaplan Lifegroup, and then join them for an SMU Uni outreach event after the dinner. Random max!! However, after the event, it was announced that the Kaplan LG will be joining SMU ministry. Etienne just joined Kaplan LG a while back, and God has decided for us to continue to journey together in the same ministry. From being in the same section in Paya Lebar Airbase to now being in the same ministry :) He has also done so by letting me and my previous mentees journey together. Like by letting me and Shaun, be table buddies in KCPSS, and then in same CCAs in JC, and then in the same LG now in NS.
God had also been drawing others to Him during Easter. 4 of my friends came for ESS. One of them did not know much about Christianity and God. He came for 1st service and we even had a great time of sharing after the ESS. 3 of my friends came later. 1 of them is committed to his Buddhist belief since young, but he didn’t mind to join us. Another was unsure, but he said the sinner’s prayer!! Another friend said the prayer too, but he didn’t tell me, and my LG mate told me LOL! I’m really glad that God is drawing these brothers, and I’m sure, He’ll draw more others to Him this year.
I also prepared and took BTT for driving recently. I was quite worried as I did not read the BTT book. I just did test simulators and went for E-trial. On the day before the test, I was even scoring 32/50 on the test simulator D: But the E-trial test before the BTT helped a lot. Jordan from my LG was an ass, he didn’t encourage me but joke that if I fail, it means God thinks I’m not safe enough on the road. During BTT, despite being unsure for some questions I somehow got 50/50, full marks for the first time :) I decided to buy the FTT book, not because I’m scared I may fail. But because I wanted to make sure that I know my stuff well, for driving is an area that I can steward and honor God in, even if driving benefits myself personally.
God also led me to do CPA Internet Marketing. Since I ORD-ed last Dec, I helped my mum in her work, but could also take up a flexible part time job if I really wanted to. But I didn’t. Then at end Feb, my dad told me about CPA, and he even signed me up beforehand for the 3 days weekend workshop. If I did not know what it really was, I would probably not go for it because it was also on Saturday. However, it was an internet marketing that really intrigued me, and it is something I want to know more even as I study Biz in SMU.
It just happened that I’m the only one or two that is doing CPA, and am not working or studying yet. There was someone who already had experience in CPA and she joined my team out of the 12 teams. She helped me a lot. During one of the activities, I was chosen by my group and we got 1st place in it. At the end of the series of activities, my team was suppose to be 1st place, but a careless mistake at the end made us got from highest points to negative points. It was good to experience that mistake during the workshop, so we will not encounter it and make bigger losses when we actually start advertising.
I’ve already spent $900+ in it & only made $146 thus far.. However it’s a biz that you only see more profits as you continue to test and invest. I do not have much left to spend, but as God led me to do CPA, I pray He’ll provide for me to continue doing it. As with many professions and biz, there are practices that are not very ethical. One such example is “R&D”. You would think it’s research & development. Nope, it stands for “reference and duplicate”. It is to take people’s self-designed advertising picture, and use it yourself to advertise. It saves you time. Another would be tools to spy on what advertisement people are doing and how they do it, so you can copy too. I was really really tempted to follow suite as other CPA marketers do. I even bought one such tool. However, after trying to reason that it’s ok, I just said NO, it isn’t right to me and I deleted it. I am a Child of God, I want to delight in God and set myself apart to Him. Now I do not know how I can make profits with my limited $ left, but I want to honor God first.
God also led me to go for Hope Sem Mods, for OT1 & OT2. And even for Bible Interpretation even though I was on waiting list. I’m really glad to know so much more about each book of the OT and about a big picture of God’s redemptive plan since the beginning. However, what really caught me is that God is Holy. He is set apart, and the Israelites are to be set apart. Throughout OT, in Judges and the prophets, the people are constantly called to turn away from idolatry and prostitution to foreign “gods” and nations. God took no delight in their “sacrifices, fasting, sabbath and festival ordinances”. God only wants them to acknowledge that He is God, He is the one who provided for them, He is their God.
And I realized that so many things in the Bible, so many messages and promises, just asks us to acknowledge God! Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He’ll make your paths straight. Jesus says those who believes in Him, will do greater things. Proclaim the gospel, and He’ll be with you always. Seek Him first, His Kingdom and His Righteousness, and He will add unto you these things.. The list goes on. There are just so many things that I have not fully acknowledge in faith, have I truly put Jesus as the center of my life? Do I believe in the Holy Spirit who counsels, helps and leads me? Do I believe that I can have such intimacy with God, that He can speak to me and that I can bless, heal and love others? Do I believe in really putting Him first before anything?
I’m really inspired by Men of God like Todd White, Reinhard Bonnke, Bill Johnson & Billy Graham. They claim God’s Word, who God is, and who God says they are in their lives. They live in intimacy with God, the HS & Jesus, living 24/7 Kingdom lifestyle. They find themselves still far from all God has created for them to be. And they believe that all of us have these access to the Father, all of us can claim God’s Word, and can have these spiritual blessings and authority.
If not for Hope Sem, it isn’t my personal discipline to study the Bible. It really is important, it’s God’s general revelation to us. All that needs to be known is completed in the Bible. It is the Word of Life & Truth. It is powerful and it’s living. It’s said that all scripture is God-breathed, helpful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training. It is said the truth will set you free. It is said that watch your doctrine carefully, so that you save both yourself and your hearers. It is said that those who delight in the law of God will be like a tree planted by the streams, always fruitful.. And more. I want to commit myself then, to study and know the Word, which then helps me to know and acknowledge God. The scale of how much to study and do is crazy, but I can take steps like to join WFL Book Studies later in the year, or to read books in the Bible like Ezekiel that I’m less familiar. The goodness of acknowledging His Word may not be obvious, but by taking time even in the current ministry to invest in it, it can bear fruits in the future ministries. The seeds you plant in this season, will be the fruits you pluck in the next.
If I can only choose between going Uni or investing in God’s Word, I would choose the latter. However, I do feel that God has placed me in SMU for His purposes. While transition isn’t bad, I kinda dread this coming transition to Uni, which will come along with new people, new things, new responsibilities, new environments. I really want to put God 1st, to continue to deepen my intimacy with Him and acknowledge Him even more. I’m so far from all that I’m created to be, I’ve yet to claim so much of His truths, like to know and let the HS lead me more. However, it starts from this desire, it starts from acknowledging him more, even in little things like my CPA biz, in my struggle, in how I relate to my parents, in listening and acting on His Word more.
We are called to be the salt and light of the World. We are called not just to be different, but to be distinguished from others. The pharisees noted that Peter and the disciples had been with Jesus, after seeing their courage and wisdom. David faced Goliath, not with the sword and spear, but the name of the Lord Almighty. Paul, from persecuting Christians, set himself apart as the chosen instrument to suffer and to spread the gospel everywhere he goes. Daniel refused to eat the palace food, but just vegetables, yet He was beaming with more health. Daniel despite being in foreign and enemy ground, chose to devote to God daily, and acknowledge God in all His ways. God poured out His power, His favor, His grace, His wisdom, His Spirit, His love and more on these people. We are called to reign in life through Christ! How do we do so? Maybe it’s just so hard to imagine, but I believe it starts from the faith to want to set ourselves apart, even in the little things, and then big things, to acknowledge and seek God 1st. God bless you :)
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Christian: Set Apart 1
Today, I had a long and great chat with my mentee, Etienne. We talked about recent happenings, about our walk with God, about how God blessed and led us. We then talked about what a theme of 2015 would be for us personally. That theme was clear for me, it was "Set Apart". From the start of the year, to how God had been moving in my life and speaking to me. This was something that he convicted in my soul over and over again.
1st, let me share about the amazing breakthrough I experienced in the recent 1 to 2 months. At the very start of the year, I experienced a low, where I felt that some things were going wrong and I asked God why. I also felt under-appreciated. It is said that you reap what you sow. I felt that I really love God and desire to know Him more and serve Him more, however I wasn't given a chance to lead and some fruits were not bearing. When I felt under-appreciated, and felt that things were going wrong then, something that led me to hope was the steadfast joy I had in Christ. Knowing that He loves me, and is already working for my good, but the fullness of joy and satisfaction comes when Jesus returns again.
I have also been attending Hope Sem, attending Bible OT1 & OT2 mods. A couple weeks back, I was studying Psalm. As I read the book of Psalm, my soul resonated with the praises and laments of the Psalmists. They worship God genuinely from their hearts, they do not hide their sorrows or feelings of injustice, but yet they always praise and put their hope in God being who He is. That week's service, the worship was amazing. I couldn't help but praise with my whole being, especially as I sung "Ever Be" by Bethel, as I really wanna keep saying "Your praise will ever be on my lips".
However, what irony it is that later on that Saturday night, some things happened that made me feel affected and hurt, feeling that I'm under-appreciated and struggled with an issue of pride. I started to reason about whether I'm more prideful than another, I started to think about my walk with God and how I serve etc. This made me felt more and more hurt, and the thoughts got me no where. I was at a low all again. I even "invited" the comfort of temptations and started to want to be more bo chap about some things.
Despite so, as I remember that I do really love God, and I am indeed in awe of Him. I decided to pour out and lament to Him, and also continue to praise and worship God. As I listened to "Ever Be" by Bethel, I listened to the rest of the album "We Will Not Be Shaken". I came across "No Longer Slaves", and as I listened to it, something began to happened. As I listened to the lyrics, my soul was rocked to the core, as if I'm in the midst of some crazy storm. I'm no longer a slave to fear, Yes! I am a Child of God, Amen! The simple yet powerful revelation of how loved and blessed I am to be a Child of God rocked my world. It means that the world can be against me but God is for me. It means that He disciplines me, but He favors me. It means that He longs to commune with me and longs to give me good gifts. It means that I can come as a Child into His embrace. It's.. just so powerful..
Then on, I listened to "No Longer Slaves" almost a few times everyday and would even sing and proclaim along with it. Even today, I have listened to it at least about 6/7 times :) I found greater delight in seeking God and walking with Him, be it starting my day with Him, saying Amen to His Word, praying and worshiping, or be it even in wanting to go through things I do with Him. Something that had previously seem like a big struggle, started to fade away in the horizon. I would previously see that it's so easy to fall to it. But as I know that I'm no longer condemned, and I can enjoy such intimacy with God as His child, I simply desired for more of God, wanting to delight and seek Him. When it came to that struggle, or things that made me feel not right, I started to detest it, not simply because it's something that's wrong or because it's a "sin". But because, I desire to continue to come into my Father's embrace, to continue to know Him and receive what He has for me, I find things that try to delude or detract me in my relationship with God to be offensive, and I naturally want to avoid them. I had my biggest breakthrough in the struggle, but it simply came from the overflow of knowing that I am a Child of God.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Romans 5:17
For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Weak Week
Things have been really busy and there have been changes in my life this week. God showed me a powerful descriptive imagery of a Tree of Life during Prayer Meet last week, but I've yet to share it and will try to share it asap.
After the 3 days workshop on CPA Marketing, I've been spending lots and lots of time doing CPA, researching, monitoring, learning.. Have also studied and prepared for BTT yesterday, and I really have to thank God. I only did question simulators as I did not have the book. I was nervous when I took the BTT and there were a few questions that I wasn't sure. However, God blessed me with a never before 50/50! I also help my mum in her biz, but much less than before.
However, this week has been really tiring and draining for me. I fell sick at the start of the week, with an eye infection and flu symptoms. The infection is gone now, but I still feel sick-ish, where I feel giddy and my body feels feverish at times.
I've been having breakthroughs in my relationship with God, in being set free by the Spirit and by truth, and from my struggle. However, as I felt busy and unwell, I have not spend as much time to set my mind on things above, in delighting in God's presence as much as before. I was more prone to temptations, and I just kept feeling drained.
Despite of this, "deep down I, know that You're here with me. I know that You can do anything". Haha these lines are from Nothing Is Impossible by Planetshakers. But yeah, despite of tiredness, busyness and all that, I still have a silent immovable comfort in Christ, in knowing I'm a Child of God, in knowing that God is for me, in knowing that the Holy Spirit is with me.
Furthermore, as I read my devotions and remember about Easter, I remember of how immeasurably more Jesus endured and went through just for us. He did it for us, even when in every sense, we were against Him, persecuting and betraying Him. (He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. -Isaiah 53:7)
He obeyed His Father to the point of death, to the point of being condemned, and even then, He continued to love us and intercede for us. Jesus said, "If You will, let this cup pass by me. But not my will, but Yours be done." As we partake in Christ's glory, we also partake in His sufferings and each of us has a cup to bear too, there will be trials. However, (For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet he did not sin. -Hebrews 4:15)
The troubles we will face is nothing compared to Jesus, but take heart, for He has overcome the world. Satan may try to test and draw me away from God, and my security in Him, especially in this period when I have such a breakthrough and am celebrating Easter this weekend. However, just as Jesus says ("Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour'? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!" Then a voice came out of heaven: "I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again." -John 12:27-28)
The amazing thing is that as I'm typing this, I feeling less tired and no longer as sick. It may not be that I'm actually physically ok now, but that as I come into God's presence, as I seek Him & worship Him, it is just so healing to my soul, that even if I do not receive physical comfort, it's as if I do. But, indeed I'll also pray and ask for God to let me be rested well and recovered for this Easter weekend. For it is said, (When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.” -Matthew 8:16-17)
The amazing thing is that as I'm typing this, I feeling less tired and no longer as sick. It may not be that I'm actually physically ok now, but that as I come into God's presence, as I seek Him & worship Him, it is just so healing to my soul, that even if I do not receive physical comfort, it's as if I do. But, indeed I'll also pray and ask for God to let me be rested well and recovered for this Easter weekend. For it is said, (When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.” -Matthew 8:16-17)
I also want to praise God for the people He is drawing to Him this Easter! Just as Jesus said, (And He was saying, "The kingdom of God is like a man who casts seed upon the soil; and he goes to bed at night and gets up by day, and the seed sprouts and grows-- how, he himself does not know.… -Mark 4:26-27)
This Saturday I have 7 friends coming for ESS, and it's really amazing! One of them didn't reply me for days, neither ESS nor MLG, until Wednesday, then he remembered. Another had been wanting to join for a while, but can finally come tomorrow. What's more amazing is that I invited a brother who is still in my NS camp, he is from another section, but God let us talk and I got to share more with him before I ORDed. He cannot make it this Saturday, but he told me that 2 other brothers from his section are keen to come. In the end, they cannot make it because of weekend duty. However, it's just so amazing that God is even drawing brothers from my NS camp, even though I'm no longer there and I did not talk to them much. My relatives and another friend may also come for Sunday service too.
One of my friends is coming for 1st service tomorrow, so I'll be at Church from early noon! It may be tiring. I still have work to do for my mum tonight, and I have deadlines to meet for Hope Sem on Monday. However, even if I'll be exhausted, and even if I cannot clear all the deadlines, it is still worth it, to see these brothers and sisters drawn closer to God's love, or even receive Jesus as their Lord & Savior :) Have a great Easter everyone
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