Just when I felt this way and confide with some about it, I also went to spend some quality time with God. And as I journal and prayed, God spoke to me through his Word and the devotion I've been reading. It was so timely for me, and the devotion said exactly what I needed to hear:
Paul delighted so much in loving people and building God's kingdom that he can't help himself. And God kept filling him up as he gave himself to the right things at the right time. And then the verse from Isaiah (One of my favourite) further reminded that God will renew us and help us soar.
As though the reminder wasn't isn't enough, God then made the people I am serving with respond altogether and started actively helping shortly after I spent quality time with God. This is just as what the devotion says, that God will fill us up timely. Initially, I just wanted to carry on to plan and execute most of it on my own and only ask another person for help. But, when everybody started to respond and help, I would only be stubborn and foolish if I choose not to take their help, which God is extending to me through them. Hence, we worked together and I won't be taking most of the workload on my own, which may end up weighing down my heart more.
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