Steven Furtick did an illustration in his sermon. He took a bunch of firewood and put it in front of the pulpit. He even prepared the gasoline. If you were watching this scene, you would agree that setting a fire on stage is a crazy idea.
Now, fire is a good thing. It gives energy, it warms us, it gives light, it gives passion and even beauty. Just as fire, we have many passions and desires in our lives that are Good. On they're own, they are pure, and can be used bring about great accomplishments and fulfillment.
However, if they are mismanaged, they can bring about great destruction and pain. Look at Moses, he was born an Israelite, yet he was a Prince of Egypt. When he saw the Egyptian beating an Israelite slave, he had a desire to protect the Israelite, for his own people. That is good. But Moses went overboard and killed the Egyptian in the heat of the moment. Pharoah heard about it, and Moses had to flee and live in Exile.
One day, Moses was tending to his flock in the Wilderness. As he was at the Mountain of God, he saw the Burning Bush and was astounded. It was burning, but it did not burned up! As God called Moses to the Him, God became his Compass; to lead him to deliver his people. This time, Moses delivered the Israelite, through God. The passion needs perimeters, if it is to serve the correct purpose.
You see, at the right hand of God, are pleasures forevermore. God created these desires. When God created the Universe, the Earth and men. He looked at it and said it was good. However, just as God is the giver of these, he is the one that can keep a bush burning, without making it burned up. Sin does otherwise, the Devil fans the lust in us, to want to kindle the fire blindly, to let fan it and flame it even when it is not in the fireplace.
In Latin, "Infatuation" literally means false fire. Looks like fire, but it will not really warm you. In fact it can move away from your fireplace and burn your house down. When we want to light up the fireplace, we first put the wood, before
turning on the gas valve and starting the fire. We do not turn on the
gas valve, and then put the wood and then start the fire.
So what do we do about the fires that we have perhaps mismanaged in our lives? Instead of fighting the fire by starving it. God wants us to know that the fire isn't a bad thing. We need to fight fire with fire. Anybody can light a bush on fire, but only God can light a bush on fire, and keep it burning with fire. The enemy wants to burn us out, even in good relationships and ministry. What God wants for our lives, is a passion that stays on fire! Our God is a consuming fire! If we are consumed with the wrong passions, get more consumed with the right ones! Why not let's ask God to set us on fire in this season of our lives with a purpose, that will consumed us with Him and not infatuation. And God wants to set us on fire today! He wants to satisfy our soul, to give us good gifts and to gives us true rest! The Devil comes to kill, steal and destroy, but Jesus comes to give life, and give it to the full!
God is not condemning us of the areas in our lives that we struggle, areas that we fall short, be it in our relationships with our family, be it in our finances, be it in our talents, be it in our physical needs. No, he is like the Father who's arms are always open, waiting to run to us and embrace us, to put a ring on us, to clothe us and cut the fattened calf for us! For we are his precious sons and daughters! So I just pray that today, we will once again remember that He is our Abba Father, and it brings joy and glory to him when we delight in Him :)
A few days ago, I was at a point where I felt undeserving of God's grace. For he has done so much for me, spoken so much to me, given me so many of his promises. And yet, I constantly fall short of his faithfulness. However, God showed me again that he is the Source, and that I can be restored in Him. He showed me this double rainbow just as I was reaching my house. My house was seen to be directly below and in between the 2 rainbows. And the rainbows disappeared from the sky in about 2 minutes after I saw it. God assured me that he is always watching over me, always loving me with his unfailing love. And no matter how I feel, to him it is "Shut up boy, I still love you". Nothing can separate us from God's love, so let us draw even closer and be more aware of this love he has for us :)
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