I was heading to Onsight Climbing Gym to have my 2nd rock climbing experience with Tjun Sern. I'm still really in awe of how God touched this brother. During the Valentine service a while back, I invited him, and on that day he wasn't sure about coming as he would only reach halfway into the service. However, he still came and he had to sit alone before joining to sit together. During altar call, he was raising his hands in worship, and during prayer, as I prayed for him, he started to weep and continued tearing. God prompted him to come for the service today even though he would be late, and God spoke to him through Jennifer's sharing and during altar call. Even though Tjun Sern felt far from God, it was really amazing how God drew this brother back to Him and ministered to him so personally.
So, I had Filet-O-Fish as I was on my way to the gym. As I started eating, I suddenly thought about the five loaves and two fishes that Jesus used to feed the five thousand. As I continued in my thought while eating, the next song on my phone that played just happened to be "Five Loaves & Two Fishes" by Corrinne May. It is a song about giving our five loaves and two fishes to Jesus, and trusting in Him to use it all.
As I was already chowing down on my Filet-O-Fish, I could not give it to someone else haha. I still do not really now what the five loaves and two fishes meant to me, could it be the little things like spending time with Tjun Sern and climbing together to 10.30? Could it be about taking faith to give or to step out more so that God can move through it? Abba Father, may you increase my faith to do so, and to be a vessel to pour out more of your love and truth. Amen
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