As I was collecting my A level results, I had a defeatist spirit in the sense that I KNEW(that's how I felt) that I didn't do very well. I could only pray to God, that if it was in his will, that he would place me in the course he felt was best for me, possibly Biological Sciences(BBC/B), which I thought that my results might not even be good enough then. My GP/Homeroom teacher asked me with concern, about what I would do if my GP failed(she was joking haha), before she passed the results to me and I was believing that to be true.
But when I got my results, God really gave me the largest MIND-BLOWN by giving me results that I would never dream to get. I was so shocked, and was so grateful that I kept asking God then, that what did I do to deserve such grace? And all along, I had this desire to go into business, but I thought to myself that the business course is too far a dream for me. Currently in 2014, I'm also helping my mum in her StarArk Business, along with a few guys from Church. God lead her into starting the business, so that she can share more about the good news to people through it, and also use it to fund her other Christian Music Business.
My results are AABB, which is just nice for the 10 Percentile of SMU Biz during my year. I applied to SMU Biz this year, and I just hade complete peace and assurance from God that he will put me into SMU, even before I went for the interview (It really is Supernatural Peace, not as the world gives). This is abnormal as I'm usually nervous for interviews; and I didn't even prepare for SMU interview. During the interview, I see God's hand in it as the interview topic was to discuss on kindness, and how it is needed in society, and how kindness can play a part in businesses. The extract on kindness even talks about Church values in it. I unexpectedly enjoyed the group interview, and knew that SMU is for me. I received the acceptance offer within 3 days from the interview, although I heard it usually takes a few weeks. May God continue to lead me and my family in business, and humble me; for my A level results, and direction towards Biz is given to me by God.
Deuteronomy 8:17-18 (You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me." But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.)
Note: These verses were said to the Israelites to remind them that they could only have such prosperity because of God's sovereignty, to deliver them from Egypt, to give them the promise land, because of God's covenant to Abraham etc.
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