This is the first time I'm preparing for a sharing for LG, and Vincent will guide me along :) Hope that this script version speaks to you too!
of it All
God is our creator, our father, our savior, our Lord, our friend. He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscience. While we do know these, how does it affect our lives?
1. Our Creator
-Genesis 1
-God created the heavens, the earth, light, waters,
skies, land, living creatures. It all came from God in the beginning.
-I am a limited resource, you are a limited
resource, but let us connect to the unlimited
source which is God.
-v26 (Man is created in God’s image, our source is in God. Just as the fishes live by
water, we live by the presence of God.
Without him, our souls are dead.)
-Isaiah 51:1-2 (Look to the rock from which you were cut. Remember Abraham your father who was
blessed and made many)
-Look to the source, and know where your resource comes from. Abraham can’t count the stars, or the sands on the shore, all
which God created and is making him into a great nation.
-1 Chronicles 29:14-16 (David
always look back to God, even in Psalm)
-Don’t forget where you come from, instead of looking at your circumstances and resources, remember God your creator.
-Don’t forget where you come from, instead of looking at your circumstances and resources, remember God your creator.
-He is the Jehovah
Jireh. (Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church shared this, even though
he had a father who was poor, his father told him “Don’t you be broke and not
tell me about it, don’t you get out there and not have what you need and don’t
tell me about it. You don’t think I have much. But if I have money, you have money”) How much more would our heavenly father provide for us?
2. Sovereign
-Isaiah 46:9-10 (God
is God. He will accomplish all he sets out to do.)
-Joseph’s Life (From dreams, to persecution by brothers, by Potiphar’s wife, to King of Egypt) (Genesis 45:3-7 Joseph declares it’s God’s will)
-Joseph’s Life (From dreams, to persecution by brothers, by Potiphar’s wife, to King of Egypt) (Genesis 45:3-7 Joseph declares it’s God’s will)
-Israelites delivered and prospered (God allowed Pharaoh’s
heart to be hardened to show his glory. Deuteronomy 8:1-5, 17-18)
-God moved King Cyrus heart to release the Israelites to rebuild his temple and land (Ezra 1)
-God moved King Cyrus heart to release the Israelites to rebuild his temple and land (Ezra 1)
-God allowed Satan to attack Job (Job 1:21-22, 2:10)
-God willed for Jesus to be persecuted and crucified (Mark
14:35-36, Romans 11:32 Bound men to disobedience)
-Peter’s destiny (Matthew 16:17-18, Matthew 26:33-34,
even though Peter lack faith at times, even though he denied Jesus, Jesus still
said that he will build the Church through Peter)
-God is sovereign
in everything. Even in our decisions, failures, achievements and
relationships. And even in the calamities and providence of the world. You may
wonder where does your free will play a part in this, but God can facilitate and move through our decisions to fulfill his
-This is a cause
for joy, for we know that God works
for the good of those who love him. And that nothing can separate us from his love (Romans 8:28-32, Philippians
3. Jesus
-Colossians 1:15-23(The Supremacy of Christ, all from Christ, Christ over all)
-John 1:1-4, 10-14 (The Word Became Flesh, Jesus is the Word)
-John 6:26-27, 32-35 (Jesus the Bread of Life, never hungry or thirsty)
-John 14:6 (Jesus the Way, the Truth and the Life)
-John 15:5 (The Vine
and the Branches; remain in him and bear
-The Book of Hebrews
(Jesus, superior to Angels, made like his brothers, greater than Moses, the
Sabbath for people, the great High Priest)
-Hebrews 10:19-25 (A
Call to Persevere)
-Luke 9:23-26 (Take
up the Cross)
-Revelations 3:20 (Jesus
knocks at your heart)
-Matthew 6:25-34 (Do
Not Worry, “Work and don’t worry, cuz worry don’t work.”)
-The Parable of the Lost Son (The younger went astray, but the Father hugged him, kissed him, celebrated and
provided for him. The elder was blinded
by serving, the Father reminded him,
“All I have is yours, take it.”)
-God is sovereign, God provides, God is the way, so whatever we face, let us submit these
things to God in prayer, let us seek him first.
-You may be very far from God, or burnt out from ministry
and work, but God is telling u, u can always
come to him, he will surely provide for u!
-Jesus is the center of it all, let’s move to have a more intimate relationship with him,
and follow him.
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