
Friday, November 28, 2014

Christmas is in the Air

So.. Now I officially have 3 working days left (including the day of ORD) from now till the 12th of December!! WOOOHOOOOO :) And thank God, there was an electronic sales at Expo yesterday, and I got a new desktop. It's real awesome, with amazing specifications! It came with wireless keyboard, mouse and adapter, 1 year Microsoft Office 365, 3 years McAfee, 3 years warranty and a free speaker. It cost just $1237. I'll also work and pay for half the cost after I ORD.

Christmas is just around the corner!! It's the most joyous and giving season as we remember God's love for us, that Jesus died on the Cross for our sins and rose again so we can have salvation and a personal relationship with Him :) I've been posting blog posts of God's love and goodness, and also go out of the way at times to invite and share about God's love to others. In my army camp, I've not shared about God or invited many to Hope. I have invited the guys in my section, however only one managed to come for the Healing Rally during Hope Conference, but could only stay a while before Evangelist Daniel Koalenda shared the gospel and before we prayed together to receive healing. 2 of my section mates are keen to come with me to visit Hope soon, and I pray they will come to experience God's love personally in this Christmas season.

I want to thank God for the grace he poured in, to open up doors of opportunities for me to share His love to others, just yesterday and today!

Just yesterday, I was at the open dining area, and a guy from another flight/platoon, came over and we began to talk. He was really nice and he gave me a packet of Hello Panda as he brought some. Though I didn't tell him my favorite flavor, he got me my favorite Strawberry one. I found out that he is both a Hindu and a Catholic, so I started to share with him that Jesus came to die on the Cross for our sins to give us salvation, and it is another different belief in Hindu. Only one can be the truth that leads to salvation. I also shared with him more about how God moved in my life, especially on the 3 supernatural healing I received and how I usually pray/talk to God. Before leaving, I passed him a Christmas invite and I pray that he'll come and receive a personal encounter with God.

After talking to him, the Ma'am in my Squadron asked me to accompany her to settle some paperwork. We got to talk more about working in Air force, and when I was suddenly prompted to invite her for our Church Christmas celebration(and just happened to have a spare Christmas invite card in my pocket), I stuttered like mad and my lines were incoherent. She already has a belief, but I got to pass her the invite.

I had to leave for my medical appointment in the afternoon, and Jaryl from another flight/platoon was leaving at the same time too. I got to talk and know him better for the first time, finding out that he is also interested in Biz and that he is also ORD-ing soon. Even though I only have 3 working days left, I hope that he'll come to know God in the future. At the hospital, I bumped into Wayne, my BMT section mate and we caught up, sharing our excitement to ORD and what we're gonna do after that.

Even though I did not sleep much, I wasn't tired while I met and talk to them. And God's so awesome to lead me to meet and talk with these 4 brothers and sisters in such a short span of time; even though such open conversations do not usually just come by in a typical work day.

Today, just as my section fall out, I was the last person that had yet to leave the office. Just then, God prompted me to invite an officer for Christmas celebration. A few months back, I stayed overtime to help the officer with some work. After helping, I got to know about his belief and also got to share with Him about God's love and how God touched me. He was open and believe that Christianity is good, and he was surprised that I asked him about his faith. For it was already rare for an NSF to open conversations with him, and said that we are friends. However, I did not get to have more long conversations with him and did not invite him to Hope since then. So today I passed him the Christmas invite, and I'm really glad that he'll come if he is free. I pray that he'll come to know Jesus personally too.

I also had piano lesson just now, my piano teacher had been to Church while she stayed in Malaysia. When she moved to Singapore, she went to CHC once and did not go to a Church since then. After learning worship songs and comping together, and sharing with her more about Hope, she is coming to visit Hope tomorrow! :) I pray that she'll feel welcomed and loved there and also be drawn closer to God's love.

My mum and dad are also connected to the Business and Artist LG and are coming to Hope each week. There are many other brothers and sisters in my life that God is drawing to Him, and I'm really excited and happy as I cannot wait for them to be touched by God's love, such that their lives will never be the same again, as God's love never fail and He is just so good to us when we really get to know Him.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

R.I.P my PC

My Acer Desktop just died. It stayed with me for 5/6 years. The bookmarks, the pictures, and some documents are gone. But thank God, I just transferred some essentials like my music, videos and software to a portable hard drive last week. I'm temporarily using my mum's working laptop to post this and may not have convenient access to a computer for a while.

On Monday, when I was about to book into my base. I switched phones to my non-camera iNO 2. Just when I switched, I accidentally dropped my iNO from a knee-length height. The screen had a crack and the LED spoiled. I know I should have a screen protector but it's shocking that both the screen and LED can be damaged from that height, but well it dropped face flat. When I heard that the repair process will take about 2 weeks, my heart sank. Nevertheless, I went to the iNO service center. Though the repair cost is $80, they will not just repair it, but give me accessories like a free screen protector and new phone casing. The staff was real nice. He told me that I could rent a phone, but the phones were rented out. Then he checked again and found an iNO that I could rent. So now I am using it temporarily for 2 weeks. You may ask why I bother repairing for $80 when I'm going to ORD so soon. I did it because I don't have another non-camera phone and because I want to pass on my iNO 2 to one of my section mates who do not have a non-camera phone so that I can bless them.

On Tuesday, my EZ-link card was still working when I'm on the MRT home but spoiled when I changed to take a bus. Is it just me or are EZ-link cards easily spoiled? There are no dents to the card. But thank God that as I have a medical appointment on Thursday, I can also go to get a card replacement in the afternoon.

It's shocking that my phone spoiled on Monday, EZ-link card spoiled on Tuesday and my computer spoiled on Wednesday(Today). But I believe that yet, God still works for the good of those who love Him. And there is also a verse about being contented and being able to do all things through Christ. I want to understand that better as Paul does and be at peace. I'm already seeing his providence in the temporal phone I can rent, and being able to back up my imp* data just 1 week before the computer died. God also reminded me of Isaiah 43:18-19 just as I'm doing QT now, which says "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."

Just over the past 3 weeks, my Church shared "Rest In Peace" series, which is to find rest in God through the significance of Sabbath, through coming to Jesus and through the eternal rest that awaits us. That inspired me to name my post "R.I.P my PC" haha. Really really thankful that I managed to get some documents out before my PC abruptly died. I won't be getting another desktop soon or may not be getting another at all. And it's almost time to ORD.

I pray that the 9 months leading up to Uni will be one that's fruitful, blessed, enriching and one that I'll draw even closer God and yield to his Will for me. For it is also said, God's rest enables me to do God's work. I can be rested when I'm doing His work because it is not in vain, and he works for the good of those who love Him :)

Monday, November 24, 2014

Oceans of Grace

Saturday was really eventful (Cage, Ninjump, Resistance etc), with great fun, fellowship, worship and even discipleship. My parents were going to the Sunday service today and I said that I was coming too as there will be a visitor who is still in NS but can only go for the Sunday service. However the visitor managed to come for the Saturday service with us. His name is Zheng Zhang and even though he is going through OCS now, he really has this desire to fellowship with us and know God more, even when he often has field trainings on weekend. Really excited to know him more and run this race together :)

Even though it was eventful, it was tiring as well and it was already midnight when I'm home. Initially, I wanted to not go for the Sunday service, so that I could get more rest at home. However, the Holy Spirit prompted me to go to fellowship together with my parents, and to fellowship with the Hope community there. Even though the sermon maybe the same, and the P&W a diff tempo, my worship to God is.. Not about me, but about God. I believed that even if I'm tired, if I go anyway, I'll find rest in God, and he'll minister to me personally as well.

As we went to the service together as a family, God really ministered to us. The first song was Good To Me by Bethel, and it really is true that God is Good To Me (personally), because the praise songs were not of a slow tempo as I experienced previously and I could praise God just as I was. We also sang God Of My Forever, the song was ministering, especially the lyrics "I stand here by your grace, on this altar I've written my life, tells of a story I have with you my Lord, I want the world to know". My mother was really ministered during the worship as well, as she was crying when the worship ended. Pastor Michael shared about Building A Church That Last, which was a different sermon from Saturday, and I thank God that I can receive from a different sharing. Michael also talked about finishing well and passing on well, and also mentioned Discipleship as Tim mentioned on Saturday. He talked about passing down our experiences and spiritual heritage that God gave us to others.

All these encouraged and spoke to me as I've been meditating on God's amazing grace in my life over the past week. I also shared about my conversion story and how He changed me on the previous post "By God's Grace, I Am Who I Am" on Thursday. So the lyrics on standing by His grace, telling of the story He wrote and wanting the world to know resonated with me. As well as what Michael shared on passing down our experiences and spiritual heritage. Michael also shared that the only way to finish the race well is to be strengthened by God's grace. Pastor Claudia was chairing and the prayers and words she shared were simple, but they were ministering as they were sincere and stemmed from a love for God. At the beginning of the service, she shared about how it is by God's grace that we are who we are, and that also resonated with me. I even happened to be wearing the shirt that says "But by God's Grace, I Am Who I Am" today.

During the worship, God gave me a picture of His amazing grace. He showed me a reservoir, the reservoir represents each of us. The reservoir was one that was drying up, one that was stagnant, polluted and even eroded. However, when Jesus died for us, His blood was poured out for us and washed over us. And even in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus was sorrowed to the point that He dropped sweats of blood. (A link of His blood being like the water of life that is also found in Him) The blood that He poured out is like the ocean, it is inexhaustible, it is all-sufficient, it covers the whole world and it is His grace for us. And also, just as how the ocean is a body that contains life, it is like the Holy Spirit which gives us life and power. Where the current of Spirit flows we do not know, but we can flow with it. So, even when we were dried up, stagnant, polluted and eroded.. God opened the doors of Heaven and let Love come down, his rain pours over us and the each drop of water brings about restoration, a filling, a cleansing of the reservoir again. And as if that wasn't enough, it overflows to form a stream, making us become rivers that pour our His grace and power through the Holy Spirit.

After service, my family did not have any of the contacts of the people in the Business or Artist LG (I have it but it was on my other phone). So we did not know if we could still find them to join them for lunch fellowship together. We went to Sultan Kitchen and we were about to eat there as a family when we found out that there were tables reserved there for the Business and Artist LG. So we joined them to eat and have a time of fellowship together. We got to know Max, who is from London, but came to Singapore to consult and give advices to the LTA. His daughter happened to be studying as a year 1 Music student in Goldsmith College, which is where my brother is studying at right now. Pastor Claudia and Pastor Jeff also came to talked with us and we had a really joyous time of fellowship at the table. I also thank God that both my parents felt really blessed to be in Hope and will continue to come. I also believe that God will draw my mum and dad closer to each other, to love and support each other more through this Hope Family. Thank you for the grace that you're continually pouring into our lives Jesus, your inexhaustible, all-sufficient, all-covering, ever-flowing and life-filled Oceans of Grace :)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

By God's Grace, I Am Who I Am

I do not ever want to forget the love and the grace that God has poured into my life. If people ask me, what is it that makes God real in my life, I would say that it is the way he loved me personally. Just as Jesus came down, his love came down for me and touched my life, more than the Word, more than the history of the Church, and more than signs and wonders.

A while back, Hsienjuen celebrated her 22nd with many people that matter to her. And because they matter, she invited them not just to celebrate, but so that she could share about how God loves her and touched her life to them. I was really inspired by that. So during my 22nd, if there's a reason to hold a celebration, it would be to celebrate that by God's grace, I am who I am and share about God's love to my friends and loved ones :)

In this post, I want to share about how my journey with God begin, and how much God had transformed me from then till now.

I was born in a Christian family. So I go to Church from time to time when I'm young. However, I was totally disinterested in Church and would often fall asleep when I was there. Though I was familiar with stories like David and Goliath, and Moses and the Red Sea, I barely knew who God is and whether I believed he existed.

When I was P3, I went to China with my mum and my brother to stay there for 4 years. I was a really self-centered brat who always bullied, yes bullied and even beat my brother, who argued with my mum and my brother, and wanted to get things the way I want it. I often got myself miserable and sian because of such stubbornness and selfishness.

During my time in China, there were 3 instances where I became more aware of God or at least felt a real need for Him. The first was when I had flu with 40+ degree fever. Even with the medications, I still felt very ill and even had to put a spoon in my mouth. At that moment, I felt scared as I saw that my life could be over before I know it. So I prayed to God that he'll heal me. The 2nd was when my mum's kindergarten business was taken over by a scam. My mum left her educational business in SG to invest much time, effort and money in the kindergarten. There is this fear of wondering what's left and what's next when it is gone. So me, my brother and my mum prayed to God together. Shortly after, God provided for another even bigger and better Kindergarten to open through cooperating with another business partner. The 3rd was when I went to a Church camp for the first time. During the camp worship, I felt a joy and freedom like never before, and felt God's love sweeping over me tangibly. So during the camp night, I even went to have personal prayer time with God. However, shortly after the camp, I forgot about how tangible His presence and love was. I even started to wonder if God was real again.

After staying in China for 4 years, my mum wanted me and my brother to resume education in SG. So, we came back and I started Sec 1 education at St. Gabriels boy school. I was an autistic kid from young, so I was bullied a lot when I was in Cat High Primary. In China, I had to change schools 4x and I was an overseas & transfer student, so the local students there were nice to me. However, when I was in St. Gabriels I got bullied a lot everyday, and the boys there did all sorts of prank on me. I was initially enthusiastic about school and studies, even excelling in some of my initial assignments. But I started to hate school. I ended up spending most of my time gaming, watching anime and neglecting my school work. I did not tell my mum and dad about it. My dad always worked overtime till late night and my mum was still working in China.

At the end of Sec 1, I did badly and failed many subjects. During the meet-the-parent session, I started to cry badly when I realized how far off I was from all that I could be. I neglected my studies, neglected relationships, neglected my health and was instead consumed on things like gaming and anime. I cried out to God and asked Him, that if He is real, may he give me a new start. When Sec 2 begin, my mum appealed for me to transfer to Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Sec School, a Christian school. When the Vice-principal interviewed us, she could see that my results were bad, and though she wanted to help, there was already a long list of waiting applicants that wanted to transfer to KCPSS. Just when it seemed hopeless, my parents bumped into the principal of the school. After talking to him, the principal requested for an admin check, and discovered that one of the Sec 2 students just transferred out. And so, they accepted me into KCPSS where a new start and journey began.

After transferring over, I cut down a lot on my gaming and anime, studied really hard and also put in more effort to interact with my new classmates. I was still autistic, however my classmates were much nicer and did not do things like pranks on me. In the later half of the year, I developed chronic migraine that lasted for about 2 months. I even needed to take MC from school and be hospitalized for treatment. When I was treated, it was around then that I met some guys from Hope Church. Though I never knew them, they invited me for their special service "Plug-In", showing a plug plugging in. I do not recall when did I even hang out on a weekend with strangers, but I was prompted to go for it. When I went, I once again felt the kind of joy, the kind of freedom and love from God that I experienced during the Church camp I went in China. It was like I plugged-in to his presence, and I was reminded of how God had been watching over me even though I'm not aware of Him and he loves me. So I dedicated my life to begin a personal relationship with Jesus then.

At the end of Sec 2, I got amazing results that I never expected. In spite of the period of chronic migraine, God helped me to turn around from doing badly and failing to receiving these results. In Sec 3, I was paired to sit together with Gan Qi. Gan Qi often played pranks and disturbed others including me, he is kind of like the class bully. So I was never good at talking with him. However, when I found out that he plays Dota. I invited him for a special service and LAN on Saturday. When he came, he responded to receive Jesus into his life without being sure what was happening, as me and my friends were asking if he wanted to respond. Though he still continues to disturb me, he started to want to know more about God himself. However, he had to leave to study in Hong Kong at the end of Sec 3. Being his mentor help me to be involved in and care more for somebody, making me someone who is more loving and intentional even though I was bad at communicating with others. In Sec 4, I sat together with Shaun and we started to game online together. He decided to visit Hope Church and continued to come. God brought both of my table buddies to journey in that life stage with me and I'm thankful for them.

I scored 11 points for O levels and went to SAJC. It just happened that even though an average of 2/3 students from my school go to SAJC, 11 students (including 10 classmates and Shaun) went to SAJC during my year. Shaun stopped coming to Hope due to the O level Grads community which he couldn't get along with. Later on, he came to Hope again and joined me with the SALG family. The SALG family was warm and caring. When I joined them, I was surprised by how much they welcomed and cared for me, and they gave me the best decorated card I've seen (even up till date). I got connected to the LG by meeting Zuoen, who just happened to be in the same Orientation group as me during Orientation week. Me and Shaun joined the same CCAs (Sports and Fitness & Frisbee) and also studied together. Though he left Hope in J2 because he wasn't sure if God is real, we continued to study and fellowship together. The motto of SAJC is "No one is here by chance" and I really believe it to be so. After A levels, Shaun visited Hope just before I enlisted and it was then that he chose to receive Jesus into his life. Gan Qi also came back to SG to serve NS and just happened to be in the Company next door to me in BMT.

I could go on about the many blessings, people and events that God had place in my life; even the undeniable supernatural healings. But I believe that I already shared some of it in the other posts (like "NS journey..", "SEAL-ed..", "21st//.." etc) or to you personally. Even though I was autistic with little situational awareness, God changed me to become someone who is intentional, who cares for and talks to others. Even though I had low self-esteem, wondering even about what to say for my next line and then worrying about it after speaking, God changed me into someone who takes courage, to share about Jesus to others even when they do not know Him. I was self-centered, going on about myself, but God changed me to look beyond myself to understand and meet the needs of others. He also made me become somebody who values important things in life. No longer consumed by gaming, addictions, anime, I started to value studies, relationships, health, ministry, the Great Commission and Him above all. He also weaved the little details in my life together, be it the good or the "bad", such as my journey with Gan Qi & Shaun, to bring me to His Story that he continues to write today.

If you do not yet know Jesus, I pray that you'll receive Him into your life soon. He loves you so much that he died for your sins, and he does not condemns you. He wants to have a personal relationship with you, to guide you through the good and bad times in life, to give you wisdom through his Word, to bring about healing, restoration, joy etc and ultimately give you an eternal rest and Home with him through Salvation. God bless :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Let No Debt Remain Outstanding, Except The Continuing Debt To Love One Another

 “Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand bags of gold was brought to him. Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt.
“At this the servant fell on his knees before him. ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ The servant’s master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go.
“But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins. He grabbed him and began to choke him. ‘Pay back what you owe me!’ he demanded.
“His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it back.’
“But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. When the other servants saw what had happened, they were outraged and went and told their master everything that had happened.
“Then the master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’

 -Matthew 18:23-33

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,”and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

-Romans 13:8-10 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Christ for All Nations

I wish I could take you with me to see first-hand what God is doing, but here's a taste. Get a tissue handy...this will move you. -Daniel Kolenda

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Set A Fire

Steven Furtick did an illustration in his sermon. He took a bunch of firewood and put it in front of the pulpit. He even prepared the gasoline. If you were watching this scene, you would agree that setting a fire on stage is a crazy idea.

Now, fire is a good thing. It gives energy, it warms us, it gives light, it gives passion and even beauty. Just as fire, we have many passions and desires in our lives that are Good. On they're own, they are pure, and can be used bring about great accomplishments and fulfillment.

However, if they are mismanaged, they can bring about great destruction and pain. Look at Moses, he was born an Israelite, yet he was a Prince of Egypt. When he saw the Egyptian beating an Israelite slave, he had a desire to protect the Israelite, for his own people. That is good. But Moses went overboard and killed the Egyptian in the heat of the moment. Pharoah heard about it, and Moses had to flee and live in Exile.

One day, Moses was tending to his flock in the Wilderness. As he was at the Mountain of God, he saw the Burning Bush and was astounded. It was burning, but it did not burned up! As God called Moses to the Him, God became his Compass; to lead him to deliver his people. This time, Moses delivered the Israelite, through God. The passion needs perimeters, if it is to serve the correct purpose.

You see, at the right hand of God, are pleasures forevermore. God created these desires. When God created the Universe, the Earth and men. He looked at it and said it was good. However, just as God is the giver of these, he is the one that can keep a bush burning, without making it burned up. Sin does otherwise, the Devil fans the lust in us, to want to kindle the fire blindly, to let fan it and flame it even when it is not in the fireplace.

In Latin, "Infatuation" literally means false fire. Looks like fire, but it will not really warm you. In fact it can move away from your fireplace and burn your house down. When we want to light up the fireplace, we first put the wood, before turning on the gas valve and starting the fire. We do not turn on the gas valve, and then put the wood and then start the fire.

So what do we do about the fires that we have perhaps mismanaged in our lives? Instead of fighting the fire by starving it. God wants us to know that the fire isn't a bad thing. We need to fight fire with fire. Anybody can light a bush on fire, but only God can light a bush on fire, and keep it burning with fire. The enemy wants to burn us out, even in good relationships and ministry. What God wants for our lives, is a passion that stays on fire! Our God is a consuming fire! If we are consumed with the wrong passions, get more consumed with the right ones! Why not let's ask God to set us on fire in this season of our lives with a purpose, that will consumed us with Him and not infatuation. And God wants to set us on fire today! He wants to satisfy our soul, to give us good gifts and to gives us true rest! The Devil comes to kill, steal and destroy, but Jesus comes to give life, and give it to the full!

God is not condemning us of the areas in our lives that we struggle, areas that we fall short, be it in our relationships with our family, be it in our finances, be it in our talents, be it in our physical needs. No, he is like the Father who's arms are always open, waiting to run to us and embrace us, to put a ring on us, to clothe us and cut the fattened calf for us! For we are his precious sons and daughters! So I just pray that today, we will once again remember that He is our Abba Father, and it brings joy and glory to him when we delight in Him :)

A few days ago, I was at a point where I felt undeserving of God's grace. For he has done so much for me, spoken so much to me, given me so many of his promises. And yet, I constantly fall short of his faithfulness. However, God showed me again that he is the Source, and that I can be restored in Him. He showed me this double rainbow just as I was reaching my house. My house was seen to be directly below and in between the 2 rainbows. And the rainbows disappeared from the sky in about 2 minutes after I saw it. God assured me that he is always watching over me, always loving me with his unfailing love. And no matter how I feel, to him it is "Shut up boy, I still love you". Nothing can separate us from God's love, so let us draw even closer and be more aware of this love he has for us :)

Official News on God's Amazing Work through CfAN

Check out this article in the (secular) Ghanian National Newspaper about our Gospel Crusade in Kumasi (transcribed below):
An unprecedented crowd was recorded at the Suame roundabout, venue for this year’s Christ for all Nations (CfaN) gospel crusade held in Kumasi, the Ashanti Regional capital, last weekend.

By day three of the four-day event yesterday, the official figure stood at 700,000. Eyewitnesses, however, disputed the figure, asserting that the official counting took into account only the crowd on the 24-acre land, and that it did not include people who watched from roof and tree tops as well as the streets. By their estimation, about two million people might have turned up for the crusade.

The people poured in from all parts of the city, joined by those bussed from parts of the Brong-Ahafo and the Central Regions. Even though popular German evangelist, Reinhard Bonnke, could not make the trip, the people were spiritually filled with what they had in his successor, American evangelist Daniel Kolenda.

Evangelist Kolenda, current president of CfAN – since Bonnke’s official retirement last year after 40 years of globe-trotting with the gospel – asked people with immoral lives to change their ways.

On day three, he specifically directed his message to people in positions of trust, including accountants and politicians.

Using the biblical story of Zacheus, who used his position as tax collector to defraud tax payers, Evangelist Kolenda asked for a change of heart by corrupt officials, cheats and fraudsters, saying that like Zacheus, it was not too late to turn to God for forgiveness.

“No sin is too small or too big to be forgiven,” he noted, adding: “All that God is interested in is a broken heart and contrite spirit. He is waiting for us to turn over our lives to him. We are heavily laden with sin. By ourselves we are unable to muster the will-power to stop sinning. Don’t struggle: just turn to God and trust him to forgive and clean you up.”

Thousands of attendees responded to the call. Having said what is known in Christian circles as the “Sinners Prayer”, they were counseled and invited to go to churches of their choice.

Hundreds of people also responded to the invitation to bring from their homes any items taken from occult sources intended for protection against physical and spiritual attacks, quick-fix solutions to wealth, fame and marriage. These items were dumped into two large barrels and set ablaze.

Many cripples and the lame who had arrived in wheel-chairs, pushed by relations or came walking with the aid of crutches; several blind men and women, who had come with their guides, walked back unaided – having been healed. The deaf, many of who had previously sat unmoved by the noises around them, were seen a few hours later, either singing or chatting excitedly. They had been healed miraculously.

Rev John Kwesi Darku, the Ghanaian Africa Director for CfAN, who moderated the programme, asked the people to place their confidence in God and work hard.

He, as well as other pastors, led the people to pray for Ghana, Africa and Asanteman.

In attendance were heads of churches and para-church organizations in the city, including the Anglican Primate for West Africa, Most Rev Professor Daniel Yinka Sarfo and the Bishop of the Kumasi Methodist Archdiocese, Very Rev Professor Safo Kantanka; Rev Dr. Kwabena Darko of Darko Farms fame, pastor of Oasis of Love Church and Mrs. Dorothy Danso, president of Aglow International.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Back from 4 Months of Hiatus

Hi all you brothers and sisters :) Thanks for reading my blog and I hope that it has been one of encouragement to you. It's already been about 4 months since I've last blogged. This is the 35th post on my blog, so here's what I'm gonna do. I'll share a couple of Bible verses that are "3:5" to encourage and remind us of truths. And I'm also going to share with you some of the happenings over the past 4 months!
Psalm 3:5 I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; (I hope you remember verse 6 haha)
1 Corinthians 3:5 What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task.
2 Corinthians 3:5 Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.
Galatians 3:5 So again I ask, does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you by the works of the law, or by your believing what you heard?
Colossians 3:5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.
2 Thessalonians 3:5 May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.
Titus 3:5 He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,
1 John 3:5 But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin.
 1.. More.. Month.. to ORD LOHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

I started watching Francis Chan's sermons on YouTube and I really love them, because of Francis' love and reverence for God. His love and reverence is so passionate that you can see it just by looking at him. As I watched, it helped me to awake much more to all that God has given me, to how truly powerful and holy he is, to how much Jesus loves me, to my identity and access to talk to him and receive from Him that I so often don't see. I encourage you to watch a sharing by Francis Chan too as it'll impact your life and relationship with God :)

Things haven't been smooth sailing recently. In my family, my mother has overwhelming responsibilities and work, especially with regards to her businesses. Finances is an issue too. However, God showed his fingerprints of grace to her even in this trying stage. Such as the opening of opportunities to host booths at SAFRA, my father helping my mum more actively in her business even in his busyness, and most recently to connecting her to the Business & Artist LG & Pastor Claudia in Hope. 

In my LG, there are many who are facing trials and we rarely get to meet altogether, to spur and encourage one another. My sheep are facing trials too. One who faces many work, study and ministry commitments at the same time; and is even falsely accused/framed to have broke the law. Another who is a sergeant in guards (always xiong) and it isn't encouraging when others around chao keng; and is also having an overseas exercise now. And another who was finally more free on weekends, but just happened to be activated for mobilization, and during mobilization was punished with 6 extras for removing the cardboard out of a tissue roll (seems quite ridiculous). However, even in these trying times, I believe that God's grace can still touch each of our lives, and bring us to more than our current circumstances and whatever the Devil throws at us.

As for me, I was informally punished about 1.5 months ago. I got 5 Saturday extras, as well as some other informal punishments along with 2 other section mates; like that of wearing Helmet and SBO, banned from entering my office, 1st parades, daily stand by stores, and booking out at a later time.

It wasn't nice to suddenly be unable to go for service, and to lose privileges I once I enjoyed and took for granted in camp. However, I did not grumble as I know that I did break the rules. I'm also reminded of how sin leads to destruction, a moment of compromise can have dire consequences; not just in my intimacy with God, but even earthly pain and cost. 

In a week or 2 after the punishment started, I gradually developed worsening Vertigo. It came to a point where, I will feel extremely light-headed through the day even when I'm not doing anything. It even makes me walk like a drunkard (almost falling and walking slowly), affects my cognition process, my speech, as I felt the spinning sensation in my head. This condition was due to my underdeveloped right ear canal, that affects my body balance. My brain is usually able to adapt and displace the balance loss, such that it does not make me feel very giddy all the time. However, when I started staying under the sun more, to do more manual labor, and not go indoors for the prolonged period during punishment, my brain temporarily loss it's capability to displace the balance loss. Thus I started experiencing serious vertigo, and had to take MC, rest and eat several strong medications. I thank God that I'm almost back to my usual condition now

In spite of this medical condition of mine, I received supernatural healing for my knee during a prayer meet a while back. I had been having shin and knee pains on both legs during that period, it may perhaps have been due to the swimming sessions I had then. Before prayer meet, when I just booked out. My right knee suddenly felt loose, less attached and also painful. As I walked more, I started to limp because of the pain. During the prayer meet, I prayed continuously for my knee to be healed. And when people came up to share their healing testimonies, all of them shared about the healing on their knees. I was puzzled that they received knee healing when I didn't. I continued to pray persistently for my knee, but God reminded me of Jacob. Jacob wrestled with God and wouldn't let Him go until he blessed him, even when it resulted in a broken hip. So, I decided not to focus on the knee, but spend the rest of the time to draw closer to God in prayer and worship, and be more sensitive to His heart and the Holy Spirit. When prayer meet ended, I stood up and moved my knee. The pain and looseness was completely gone, and it never came back. I thank God for healing me as I focused on him, who is the true provider and Father, instead of my knee. Even though I have an underdeveloped ear canal, I'll continue to believe that God's grace is sufficient for me and that he will heal me in time to come :)

Due to my medical condition, my extras changed from 24 hours Saturday confinement to 8 to 5.30 confinements on both Saturdays and Sundays. This meant that I have to work 24/7 a week, and that can be draining even though I can rest in God daily. As I'm not an early sleeper, I tend not to get enough rest and accumulate sleep debt through the whole period. But I'm thankful that I can now join for dinner fellowship, and perhaps even some of service now that I get to book out in the evening :) 

Also, during this period of punishment. I got to bond closer with 2 section mates who were punished along with me. One of them was new in my section and we do not get along initially. But as we work together in this period, we became more appreciative of each other. I also got to share more about Christ to my other section mate, by telling him about how God had touched my life from when I was young, till I knew him and now. (Albeit a summarized, incoherent and awkward sharing) During one of the extras, I even shared with him Kari Jobe - "Forever" Monologue by Isaac Wimberley, as that poem gave me goosebumps about the goodness and greatness of God. My section mate isn't a Christian and doesn't know much, but I just shared it with him, awkwardly :P  May God continue to soften his heart and lead him to come and receive His unfailing love. I also prayed for him and shared with him more about the gospel when we were initially punished, sharing about God's graciousness and how he wants to love each of us. During the whole punishment period, complications happened that made his circumstance worsen. But by God's grace, just recently, his punishment is reduced from 12 extras to 7 extras. He does not mind to come to visit Hope for service some time, but he still hasn't finished serving his extras and he has commitments like studies, business and relationship. May God continue to soften his heart and lead him to come and receive His unfailing love in this season towards Christmas!

I want to thank God for how he has been moving in my extended family. We communicate to each other more, meet up and care more, share more about God's love more, and even more amazingly, some of them came to know God or are being drawn closer to know God. I did not do much myself, but God still watched over my extended family. One of my cousin Crystal came to know God and found love and more completeness in Jesus. Another of my cousin Amanda, may not know Jesus personally yet, but she has friends like Valerie Ruth in Hope, and others who are connecting her and sharing more about God's love to her :) My Grandma is old but has not yet make time to know God more and come to Church. However, through a recent conversation with my mum, she wants to come and to start have a closer relationship with Jesus :) Praise God!

During the punishment period, I also started to connect more with Shaun, to play some Warcraft and L4D together. Shaun also started watching anime, some which are intro-ed by me. We had many LOLs together and really enjoyed sharing about the anime we watch and other good ones. The time with him, was also one that gave me rest and fun, along with my time with God, making the punishment period less draining :) Shaun also started to read the Christian book he got for birthday, and is now even ordering other Christian books to know God more. He even shared about God to his camp mate and may connect him to Hope soon. Though Shaun hasn't experience much of the Holy Spirit and God's love personally, I'm sure that God will speak to him and draw him closer in this season.

I also got to connect with my Cat High and childhood friends more in the recent weeks. Robby also joined to play a little Warcraft with me and Shaun. And just last weekend, we celebrated Robby's and Eugene's birthdays together. Escape Hunt at Concorde Hotel was a blast! It was our first Escape Room but we cleared it together :) Though they do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, I pray that God will continue to move in their lives, and through this friendship. There's a Cage NS MLG on the 22nd, and Eugene is coming. I pray that he'll have a great time of fellowship and fun, and that he may also come for service and experience God's love personally :)