
Monday, November 30, 2015

Joseph & Pharoah

I was just reading Genesis 41 and got some serious goosebumps from it!! I shared last time that there were many parallels of Joseph life to Jesus. And there were even more when I read chapter 41 again! Some previous parallels mentioned were that Joseph was the beloved son, but he was betrayed & thrown to the depths, he had 12 brothers (not disciples). And in prison he talked to 2 prisoners, one got hanged, one got restored (just like Jesus talked to one of the criminals on the cross and said he will be with Him in paradise).

So in Genesis 41, Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dreams, was restored and put in charge of Egypt. 

1. Joseph like Jesus said, "I cannot do it, but God will", as a yielding to the Father and the HS.  

2. Joseph was 30 years old when he entered the service of Pharoah & traveled throughout Egypt (As Jesus entered ministry at the age of 30 & traveled throughout Israel)

3. Joseph stored huge quantities of food till it was uncountable (Wherever God placed Joseph, favor came. It's like proclaiming the Year of the Lord's Favor to Egypt, as Jesus did to the world)

4. And all countries came to Egypt for the food (As all gentiles receive from Israel the good news of Christ)

Cool stuff right? :) What's also cool was some other stuff God spoke to me personally too 

In the chapter God gave Pharaoh 2 dreams. Likewise, God gave me 2 dreams in the past few days including yesterday. One was that I was helplessly unable to answer questions while taking my stats finals, another was that I was helplessly late for stats final from oversleeping. It felt like game over in both dreams.

When God gives prophecies and a word, it is a call to action and to respond. I have been sick for days and could not do much studying, and was also quite distracted (started playing a game too, alamak) When it comes to stats, there are still many questions that I'm confused just from staring at work solutions. However, I wanna do what I can today before the paper tomorrow, and am reminded again to sleep earlier and earlier. 

Another thing I noted was that God indeed makes our paths straight and is the one that appoints us. Pharoah said, 

"Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God? Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you. You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are submit to your orders."

Joseph was just a prisoner before he interpreted for Pharaoh. But Joseph stayed in close fellowship and obedience with God. And just in a moment, God raised him from a prisoner to 2nd-in-charge of Egypt. Let us really desire to be sons/daughters of God, obeying and communing with Him as Jesus does(And God put in Jesus authority and Lordship over all things). God desires to draw us close to Him, help us become who He created us to be & give us good things.

Praise God for these things He can speak through this chapter and may He continue to lead us & do His work in this Christmas! Amen :)

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