
Sunday, May 24, 2015

1 Corinthians 2:9-10

Here it goes, flying off to Cambodia for missions tomorrow, and had official farewell from NS ministry to transit to SMU today! As I looked back at my NS journey, and look forward to whats ahead, a verse that I’m holding dearly now is this:

However, as it is written:“What no eye has seen,
   what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”—
   the things God has prepared for those who love him—
these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.
-1 Corinthians 2:9-10

Bon Voyage

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Retelling: The Parable of the Good Samaritan

In their book How to Read the Bible (p.133), Fee and Stuart present a modern version of the Good Samaritan to help us experience the impact of the first telling. “As an audience it assumes a typical, well-dressed, middle-American Protestant congregation.”

A family of disheveled, unkempt individuals was stranded by the side of a major road on a Sunday morning. They were in obvious distress. The mother was sitting on a tattered suitcase, hair uncombed, clothes in disarray, with a glazed look to her eyes, holding a smelly, poorly clad, crying baby. The father was unshaved, dressed in coveralls, the look of despair as he tried to corral two other youngsters. Beside them was a run-down old car that had obviously just given up the ghost.

Down the road came a car driven by the local bishop; he was on his way to church. And though the father of the family waved frantically, the bishop could not hold up his parishioners, so he acted as if he didn’t see them.

Soon came another car, and again the father waved furiously. But the car was driven by the president of the local Kiwanis Club and he was late for a statewide meeting of Kiwanis presidents in a nearby city. He too acted as if he did not see them, and kept his eyes straight on the road ahead of him.

The next car that came by was driven by an outspoken local atheist, who had never been to church in his life. When he saw the family’s distress, he took them into his own car. After inquiring as to their need, he took them to a local motel, where he paid for a week’s lodging while the father found work. He also paid for the father to rent a car so that he could look for work and gave the mother cash for food and new clothes.

Obviously, this version does not present a completely equivalent situation, but it does shock us somewhat, reminding us of how the lawyer must have felt when he was confronted with a “good’ Samaritan who for him would be virtually the same as an atheist for us.

The parables were not comfortable, “nice” stories. They were intended to provoke a reaction; they should provoke a reaction in us also.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Running The Race

Yes! I ran over 30 mins for the first time in my life tonight :) It’s pretty crazy, my last run was like 3 weeks ago and I only ran about 16 minutes. When I timed, I ran for almost 36 mins in total. I hope that’s 5km xD

As I ran, I decided to run a new route. So I ran a different path in my housing area. As I kept running further, I ended up at a main road with signboards that pointed to Serangoon North, Hougang and even Woodlands! Nothing seemed familiar, but I just continued to run along the main road, ended up among HDBs, and even carparks, but I managed to loop back to my housing area in the end :) It was really refreshing to just run and explore, but yet have this sense that you’ll get back to your house even when you’re venturing on.

When I stopped and started walking, my legs were wobbling quite badly. Thank God they regained posture, as I had a long walk back home. My muscles were cramping up, my knee and my ankle part were painful. I was concerned if it may have been overstressed as I recalled that I failed my NAPFA retake because I overstressed my hamstrings from sprinting. They were damaged for 1 month, and I ended up in BMT Physical Training Phase 10 days after A levels. But well, even if it may be a lil’ overstressed, I still felt the run was so worth it! It was the first time I ran so long and so far! And yes, I can do it again :)

I remembered Paul’s words about running to win a race, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” -1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Even though my legs may be have been overstressed, I “strike a blow” to it so that I can have such a run as I did for the first time tonight. If I want to get the “prize”, I need to make it more routine and also continue to persevere too. Just as I reached my door steps, I saw a small white light streaked pass the night sky. It happened so quickly, and there were clouds too, but I believed it was a shooting star! Wow.. Just as I took out my phone and checked Facebook, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda posted “A person who is running to win has made a choice to lay everything else down for the sake of the prize.” Man this is really cool!!

This reminded me that this life on Earth is a race. It can be like a marathon, we may even be lost in some new route, our bodies may be battered, but yet it is temporal, even like that shooting star. May my life on Earth not just pass by, but be a beautiful light that streaks pass in the night sky.

I am also reminded that though I’m faced with uncertainties, issues and transitions now, I must not run aimlessly but keep my eyes on Christ, seeking His Kingdom first and the prize that is ahead. One uncertainty would be CPA. God is leading me, yet there are often ethical lines to be concerned about. And I can spend $70 daily but get nothing for consecutive days. I’ve spent about 2.1k and got about $850. Last week, I was really at a point where I did not know if I should continue CPA. I asked God, if it’s something you want me to continue, let me get some conversions/results, even up to $100, or even $200 when I wake up the next day. After praying, I was about to sleep and I refreshed my CPA page. To my amazement, I got exactly $200, which was what I prayed! God, you win lol! I’m continuing CPA, but I barely have funds anymore. So I’m looking for tuition requests and possibly part-time jobs too. Ethical issues in CPA biz is still a concern as there are many grey lines, and it makes me think about how Biz will be like as I go to SMU and then work. Mission trip is in about 10 days, and there’s still much prep and planning to do, there’s also Hope Sem assignments and readings, FTT in June and I barely started studying, I'm also helping in my mum’s biz etc.

However, these uncertainties, issues and transitions are things that I do not go through alone. God knows them and he cares for me. In Matthew 6:32-33, it says “For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

It is such a comfort, that though I know not what the future holds, I know who holds it. Furthermore, this life on Earth is like a race. No matter how many twists and turns there are or how tiring it is, let us press on, for we will be reunited with Christ and with our Heavenly Father. So, let it be said again “Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.”

Mother's Day Weekend

The night before Saturday, I knew that my mum had work so she could not join my grandma and aunt to go for the mandarin service together. When I woke up, it happened that my mum’s work was rescheduled. We headed down to fetch my aunt and grandma, but it turned out that my grandma even slept at 8/9am that day, so she only got a few hours of sleep. We were running late, and my grandma was saying she didn’t want to go because she was tired and she thought the Mother’s Day service is on Sunday. Thank God, we still went, ate at Sultan Kitchen, and head in just as service was beginning.

During the service, Rayson Tan shared about his testimony and how his mum also came to know Christ. My grandma was sleeping throughout most of the sharing. However, as we stood up to worship and respond, I asked her “Ahma, 要不要一起接受耶稣的爱?” She said yes! She said yes!! I was shocked! Me and my mum took her hands and walked to the front, my mum was 感动流泪, and we prayed the sinners’ prayer together.

Later on, I met with my friend Wen Hui who was coming for the 5pm service. When he reached, it was already 5+, and he did know that the service was at 5. He haven’t ate too. I met Wen Hui at the CPA Workshop and we got to chat a lot. I found out that he does a private investment and he has been sharing with me more about it. I would be interested, but then no mullah!

We went to MyTube Cafe, and just got drinks as he’ll go off at 6.30 for dinner. I was surprised that he did not share more about the investment with me, as it was our first face-to-face since the workshop. His mother is a Christian, but he doesn’t know God yet. Still, he was open to listen to my sharing of how God led me to CPA and guided me so far. He even bought a Christian T-shirt for me and I like it! Thank God I also got him a gift that I wanted to give for his birthday, though it was a few weeks back. He joined and listened to the discussions with the mothers and children, and stayed for the service before leaving. I’m glad to know him, and am excited as he is open to join for service again :)

So Sunday morning came, and being a night owl, I was still kinda out. However, as it was Mother’s Day, I went with my mother and my dad for the morning service. It was great to be able to go together, as my dad had also been busy with work even on weekends. I wasn’t sure about giving a gift, so I gave my mum a personal card.

After the service, my mum had to do some things in Hope, so me and my dad left. It was the first time me and my dad took public transport together, and we had a time of bonding that we rarely have. We then went for lunch, and my dad bought me a new sports shoes, and the membership registration at the sports shop also came with a water bottle, I just happened to need one :)

We went to visit my dad’s mother, Ahma Koh. Her health isn’t good, and it has been a while since I visited her. I was glad to be able to spend time and talk with her. Though I did not share about God’s love, it was sufficient just to spend that time with her. She is old and frail, so I do pray that God may open her heart, to turn from the religious idols and things to Christ.

After the visit, I rushed off for a time with the “Hope Bball League” guys. Man, I love the new shoes :D We also had dinner and a LAN session (Finally after sooo long). I got to have a good time catching up with my 1st shepherd, my ex-LGL, and brothers who were from Central with me when I first came to Hope. Thank you for such a great weekend Father :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Testimony of Paul

As I quickly reflected about Paul’s life and ministry on Earth. I realized that He always give thanks, rejoices and exalts Christ, even though he faces numerous hardships, countless rejections and persecutions, even stoning, shipwrecks and whipping.

In my life, I am glad for the grace of God in my life, and it’s because of it, I am who I am today. Because of Jesus, I am no longer condemned, I am set free and changed. From someone who’s socially awkward or even autistic, I spoke up more through the assurance and love of Christ, to even let others know His love. From being self-centered and spoiled, I want to live my life on Earth for others. And even in my studies and future work, He leads and guides me. For my family and friends, I am blessed. For this fellowship with Him and His Word, I am blessed. For even extraordinary testimonies, like healings and knowing and witnessing the salvation of this brother, Etienne, I am blessed.

I still get anxious daily, especially in things like providence, would the CPA Internet Biz work out? There are practices that I do not want to adopt as they are of the flesh. Yet I am “losing out” because people are looking to these methods. And when I go to SMU Biz, how will my future be mapped out from there? I do not want to be self-seeking in Biz at others’ expense, I do not want to adopt bad practices in Biz. My current funds to do CPA are almost out. But I still remember that miraculous day, that I was spending more time just to seek God, and to share with my mentee that I do not want to adopt bad practices in CPA. Then just before I slept, my earnings of $146 in 3 weeks suddenly became a total of $434, almost tripled!! Well, thereafter, the results I’ve got makes me uncertain about what I’m doing again.

But then, I look to Paul. He has learned to be content in whatever circumstances, knowing what it is to be in need or have plenty. In every situation, he can do everything through Him who gives him strength. And what more, to him, to live is Christ, to die is gain.

In his ministry, which was literally his whole life, God performed many miracles, brought forth many deliverance, and lead him in the Spirit. Don’t we want these miracles, these guidance and deliverance, and this favor? But then, this grace is already yours! God poured these things in Paul to build up the early Church extraordinarily and that was Paul’s delight. For Paul says, “If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.”

I do not want to lose sight that I’m here to love people and to give God glory before He returns. So in my life, when I do not have answers to my uncertainties, like with regards to providence and course of work, when there are challenges, let me know that it is nothing to do with whether God favors me. Rather, let me rejoice that I am in Christ. In as much as we suffer with Christ, we are also glorified with Him. This life on Earth is but like a moment outside the Pearly Gates of Heaven, for when they open, we’ll be with God for all eternity. Therefore, whether CPA will be just an experience or an area to steward, it is not of much significance. While I do have to steward my finances well, what’s more is for me to bring the gospel people, and to love those who are in need.

So while I am doing CPA, and am going to Uni. Let me know, these things are not what I live for, like for real. Just as Paul said, “If anyone else thinks he has reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the eight day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews, in regard to the law, a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for legalistic righteousness, faultless. But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ.”

For I am a co-heir in Christ, a Child of God. & what father, if a child asks for bread, will give him a stone? So therefore, let me too live my life more and more for Christ, just as Paul lived his whole life in dedication to Him. I thank God that my grandma and aunt will be coming for Mandarin Mother Day’s Service with me and my mum. May I continue to love them, and may they experience more of God’s love. And may I remember everyday, that I live in His love, and I live to love, for His glory :)