
Sunday, March 29, 2015

CPA Super Affiliate - The Journey Begins!

Just completed the CPA Super Affiliate Program today! :) I really thank God for this opportunity to join CPA Academy

When I ORDed last Dec, I worked with my mum in her Biz, and there were very busy periods, but if I wanted, I could also take up a part time job too. However, for some reason, I did not take any job offers. Then last month, my dad told me about CPA Academy.

CPA is an Internet Affiliate Marketing and I was really really intrigued by it! When I heard about it and went to the introductory seminar, I knew it was just for me! I always want to do Marketing, which is why I'm going SMU Biz; and I am really interested in the Internet and IT aspects of Marketing. I also knew God led me to it, as it was not just my passion, but it just so happened that I am the only 1 or 2 guys in CPA Academy who is not schooling or working full time! :)

In the 3 days workshop, God's guidance was evident too! The workshop was really interesting and fun, with many tools, tips, guidance and hands on activities! In one activity, I was nominated by my group among the 12 groups, and got 1st in it. At the end of the workshop, our group was supposedly 1st, but we became last because of 1 little careless mistake we made at the very very end of the workshop. We were grateful, for we learned an invaluable painful lesson, to not allow such carelessness when we embark as CPA Super Affiliates from today!

I'm really excited to journey as an Affiliate Marketer in the months ahead! You may be wondering, what the heck is CPA Academy and why am I so crazy over it. If you want to know more, just pm me about it! You can also find out more in this short introductory article :)

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