
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Family Testimony

In the past, even before I came Hope and know God personally, my family was broken and strained, my parents barely talked, argued and were closed to divorce. We also go to Church together once in a while.

After I came to know God towards end 2008 in Hope, there seem to be improvement, but my parents still barely talked and argued when they did. We no longer go to Church together as I’m in Hope and at then my brother go to Heart of God Church.

Later on, 2 weeks before my first Church conference, while I was in JC, I had a dream. In the dream I was in a Church with pews, I was standing with my mum and my dad at my left and right and we were having worship. Then a white blanket that appears small appeared over me. Then it descended and became bigger and bigger and covered like a huge blanket over me. Then I woke up and I was already crying badly.

Then during Conference morning, my mum happened to be free to send me to stadium in the morning. Then she suddenly decided to walk-in register for Conference. During opening ceremony and praise, though it was just a video and we sang “God Is With Us” praise song, I suddenly began crying badly and I couldn’t just stop, like how I cried badly from my dream. On Sunday during the evangelical service, my dad also decided to come, so me, my mum and dad were there together and worship like in the dream. Then throughout the Conference, the worship leaders, leaders, ministers etc keep praying for the Holy Spirit. And it reminded me of the white blanket that represents the Holy Spirit.

After the Conference, my family don’t often go to Church and didn’t come to Hope together. However when I was in NS and after I ORD, my parents started joining me more. And my mum is connected to Hope now and my dad also comes sometimes. My brother went to study in London 2 years ago, but he just came back for holidays and MOE intern/bond.

My dad often works even on Sundays, and he only joins sometimes. He also has to carry more financial responsibility for my mums business, me and my brother expenditures like for Uni. When I invited him for Conference a few weeks ago he says he won’t be free, when I asked why my dad got angry because he feels I don’t see how busy he is. However later on I continued to ask and pray for him, but he won’t give an answer.

Last night before I sleep, I prayed with my hand over him while he was sleeping, and I just had an assurance that the HS will move. Just before I woke up this morning I had a dream that my mum woke me up saying that my dad is coming, I said I prayed for him and she said she did too. When I really did wake up, it was 7.20+ and I saw that my dad posted in the family WhatsApp at 7.10+ that he is coming and he is buying breakfast for us.

Today, me, my brother and my mum and dad are coming to One Conference as one family! And I’m really happy that we can come to seek God together. Even though there was a small argument from miscomm and road directions this morning, I’m glad that we can come to seek God as one. And though we have concerns like finances, I’m just happy that we seek God together and believe that he’ll be the one that provides and guides us.

I hope this encourages you, that God can draw our families to him as we continue to look to God to pray for them, love them and reach out to them. God bless :)

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