
Monday, May 26, 2014

Philippians 3:8

"What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ." -Philippians 3:8

So you might be wondering why I chose to share this verse after ACTS Conference. Well you're in for a ride. During this Conference, I've experienced God's grace, God's love moving tangibly in our Church. It was especially amazing to see how many people came to know God, and even more people being healed, 100s or 200s or more. I also got to rest in the Spirit as I desired to. And as I prepared my heart as a vessel for God, God really spoke to us about being vessels for his love and power.

I've been fasting from Manga and Clash of Clans. And when I commit to submit my life to God on the 1st night, I plan to fast from Anime for 1 week too. Almost all my leisure revolves around these 3 things. And well, today I lost my phone too. So its like, no manga, no CoC, no anime & no phone

Today, I had to be involved in an operation in my army camp. After it ended, it was close to 2. So I rushed down to Conference with a section mate I've invited. We took a cab and I lost my phone on that cab. As it was the first time my friend is coming to a Church and hearing the gospel, I shared to him more. However, he could only stay for a while. He had to left 2 minutes into Altar Call before people started to respond and already stayed as long as he could. I pray that despite the short visit, and the unfamiliar atmosphere, that Holy Spirit you would already be doing a work in his heart, to desire to find life, love and fellowship in you Father.

After the healing rally, I went to the prayer room to pray and be prayed for. I wanted to seek God for assurance of his guidance and providence. And I wanted to experience his love through healing too. Though I was prayed for during the rally, and previous occasions, and on my own, I've not experience healing in the pressing medical conditions I have. These includes hearing loss, back pain, loss of hearing balance and a cyst in my brain.

At the prayer room, a prayer minister prayed for me. I did not experience a healing in those conditions I mentioned after the prayer. However, he shared with me a testimony of someone who had similar ailments and was even in a terminal condition, but God pulled him through at the end after his 3rd operation. Hearing this really encouraged me, for knowing how unfailing God's love is and also that his ways and timings are higher.

As I continue through the rest of the Conference, I had such peace and joy, and continually flow with the HS and worship. I was a little amazed at my "Ok-ness" with regards to how I seem barely bothered about my phone. I hold on to Philippians 3:8, that I can consider these a loss compared to Christ and walking life to the fullest with him. However, when I was about to reach home. I realized that I even left the bag with my army clothes & boots in the stadium. Furthermore, items like my base security pass, appointment lists and locker key are in my attire too.

At that point, I started to really really really feel not ok. I begin to struggle with thoughts of not fasting from anime on my way home, stressing over how to go about my day tomorrow with regards to these mishaps. I just so happened to have a medical appointment tomorrow for my Post-surgery follow up. And the truth is, there is a nauseating smell in my nose still and I might have infection or URTI. So I'm taking an MC tomorrow.

With regards to my phone, I really needed to get another phone. But I don't want to burden my mum who is extremely busy and is needing finances for her business. I remembered about the 1 month pay I was committing to give to God, that though I placed the money in the envelope, I forgot to hand it in Church. When I told my mum about the money, she said God blessed me to have hold onto it till now, telling me that I'm so reckless to give like that. That God doesn't need my money, he sees my heart and I should also really take care of myself to steward for him too. I really cried then, as I really wanted to give to God in faith to glorify him and say he is enough. But now, I'm using the money for my own need to get a new phone. My mum also called M1 to check if she can renew any phone contracts. It just so happened that one of the contracts can be renewed 2 months before 24th of July. And today is 25th of May. So God really blessed me with this miracle, and I will probably get an even better phone than the iNO phone which easily overheats and which literally I no phone now.

So, even in this loss from my blunders, even when I felt so not ok before, I still feel so much joy and feel so blessed, really just for knowing Christ and for his unfailing love for me. Even for these ailments I have, God you will sort them out in your own time, in your higher ways. Thank you Papa

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